Saturday, August 31, 2019

Refrigerated Rail Cars

In one of the Laura Ingalls Wilder novels, there is a passage relating the author’s first encounter with an orange, a novel experience in frontier America. The issue was that transportation of most food stuffs at that point had to be done via dry goods or those preserved in salt as mass canning was not yet available and transporting food stuffs for long distances could often result in more rot than product delivered to the end user It is then with this in mind that we must consider the invention or refrigerated rail cars and later refrigerated trucks as one technology breakpoint for the food industry.Others would include mass canning techniques and the development of safer workplace technology, but perhaps the biggest impact on the American diet and the food distribution industry. With the invention and widespread use of refrigeration techniques, production of agricultural goods could skyrocket and spoilage was reduced to a minimum. With that in mind, we will examine the direc t impact of refrigeration on the ability to transport food without spoilage before reaching market. No longer were small farms growing enough produce for their local community necessary.Suddenly, large agricultural concerns in California could meet the nation’s demand for many types of fresh produce and do it at a cost that undercut many local farmers. This technological breakpoint changed the way America ate and the very basics of the country’s economy. In this case, the technological breakpoint was almost 150 years ago, but the product continued to improve from there to the refrigerated trucks that are in common use today. Though many improvements have been made to the technology since the breakpoint,In frontier America, as discussed by Wilder, food stuffs that could be transported were either those that could be dried (like pinto beans), root vegetables that travelled well even during extreme temperatures (like potatoes and turnips), or foods that could be preserved in some manner, usually by drying or salting. Fresh vegetables and most fruits had to be raised locally of they simply weren’t available. As the country became more mechanized, railroads were used to ship fruits and vegetables to the frontier, but they still had a very limited shelf life.And, the Rocky Mountains were a huge barrier. Though there was an abundance of fruit and vegetables raised in California, most of it would rot before it could be shipped east over the mountains (California State Railroad Museum). Until the Civil War, the high inland valleys of Colorado produced some vegetables for consumption on the east coast as the loss due to rot was significantly less when the trains did not have to cross the Rockies (South Fork Town History 2007). But it was an intrastate transporter that first saw the potential to improve his bottom line with technology.â€Å"To Parker Earle, an enterprising fruit grower of Cobden, Ill. , goes the credit for pioneering in this develop ment. After several unsuccessful efforts to ship strawberries to Chicago without their spoiling on the way, Mr. Earle hit upon an idea. During the winter of 1865-66 he harvested a large quantity of ice, and he packed the ice in sawdust in his barn so it would keep well into the summer. Then he built several large wooden chests with double linings. Each chest was fitted with two compartments. When the berry-picking season arrived Mr.Earle packed one compartment of each chest with ice and the other compartment with strawberries. † (Catskill Archive 2007). This system of icing the product to create early refrigeration then expanded from Chicago to the rest of the country. â€Å"It was only a step from the iced chest to the iced box car, and Parker Earle was one of the pioneers in this venture also. By 1872 many carloads of strawberries and other fruits were being shipped from southern Illinois to Chicago under refrigeration. In 1885 berries from Virginia were shipped to New York under refrigeration.Three years later Florida oranges entered the New York market, and in 1889 New York received its first carload of deciduous fruit from California. † (Catskill archive 2007) The immediate advantages of the icing system were obvious. Earle’s berries got to the market days before the local crop was ready and earned him as much as $1 a quart, making it a very profitable year. But at least initially, the railroads were not willing to invest in the icing technology required to promote this new development on a large scale. For the trip from Cobden to Chicago, about 300 miles, icing at the point of origin was sufficient.But for longer distances, the railroad would have to create â€Å"icing stations† where the melted ice could be replaced. Many were initially resistant, not seeing the enormous profit potential from the investment (California Rail History Museum 2007). â€Å"Refrigerator cars could not operate efficiently without an elaborate suppor t system. Icing stations had to be located at regular intervals, railroad scheduling had to be reliable so that trains would reach the icing stations before the ice melted, and a dependable marketing system had to be in operation so that the most perishable produce would not rot on the loading docks.Most railroads were slow to recognize the significant profit to be made with refrigerator cars. Initially, private companies owned the reefers and contracted with the railroads to haul them, operating â€Å"fruit blocks,† special trains consisting entirely of refrigerator cars carrying perishables. These trains were given priority over most other traffic. Eventually most railroads purchased their own refrigerator cars or formed refrigerator car subsidiaries with other railroads† (California Rail History Museum 2007).The development had spinoff effects on the marketplace as well. In California, when railroads initially resisted developing icing stations and buying their own r efrigerated cars, local fruit growers banded together to form a fruit growers cooperative and integrate their business vertically, handling their own shipping with cars owned by the fruit growers association (Powell 1910). And, the impact was solely on fruit and vegetable production. In Chicago, local shipping officials saw the implications of Earle’s idea and quickly applied it to the meat-packing industry.Where once cattle had to be transported on the hoof to major markets, requiring a slaughter house in every major city, the ability to ice their meat and send it out to the rest of the country ‘s cemented Chicago’s place as meatpacker to the country (Hill 1923). â€Å"By 1887 wholesale meat shipping was reliable enough to allow Midwestern cities such as Chicago and Kansas City to become national meat packing centers. † (California Rail History 2007) As the centers for the nation’s railroads, Kansas City and Chicago were perfect for the developing meat industry once the refrigeration issue was solved.Both were close to prime livestock country, preventing the need for the long, old-fashioned cattle drives or having to transport the stock via rail to the market, thus driving up costs for the producer. In short, the advent of the refrigerated car made meat a much more accessible and affordable part of the diet for American city dwellers (Crossley 1976). Where previous only persons in rural areas where they could raise their own livestock had plentiful access to beef and pork, the development of the refrigerated car made meat more affordable for everyone.What once had been an expensive treat was now as close as the neighborhood butcher shop. This development also probably contributed to the industrialization after the turn of the century. Previous to the advent of the refrigerated car, a city’s development was limited by the physical constraints of producing enough food to feed the city’s inhabitants. With the abili ty to safely transport food across the country, city dwellers could be assured of having access to the same foods as those who had lived in rural America and have the economic and cultural benefits of the city.This availability, combined with the agricultural proficiency of some regions of the country, helped lead to the beginning of the decline of the traditional family farm. Because fruit growers in California were so proficient at their jobs, coupled with the use of low-cost migrant labor, the development of refrigeration had a huge impact on the way America eats. According to one study in the 1950s, the widespread availability of refrigeration decreased the amount of grains and potatoes that the average family consumed, products that would have been readily in the pre-refrigeration era.Post-refrigeration, people consumed more eggs, milk, meat and fruits and vegetables (Chaney 1957). This information is not meant to imply that the development of transportation ceased after Earleà ¢â‚¬â„¢s first experiment with adding ice to shipped strawberries, but other developments were simply refinements to the technology. By 1900, some meat packers were using a form of mechanized refrigeration and by 1914 most railcars for meat shipments were also refrigerated via mechanical means instead of ice (Hill 1914).By the middle of the century, tractor-trailers with refrigerated compartments would hit the roads and some of the food transport would move from rail to highway (Crossley 1976). But even more than 140 years after Earle’s ice experiment, most of the internal transportation of food within the United States is done by refrigerated rail car. † Of more than 35,000 carloads of fresh fruits and vegetables received in Boston in 1939, 10,456, or 35 per cent, came from California; 8,224 carloads, or 23 per cent, came from Florida, and 1,925 carloads, or 6 per cent, came from Texas.Thus, approximately two out of every three carloads came from these three distant st ates. † (Catskill Archive 2007). As recently as 2004, Congress enacted legislation to attempt to make the rail transportation of food stuffs more sanitary, blaming the transportation for recent outbreaks of salmonella and E. coli (AllBusiness. com 2004). â€Å"To provide the American people with year-round, nation-wide service in the transportation of perishable products, the railroads operate a fleet of 145,000 refrigerator cars. Assembled in a single train, these cars would reach 1,194 miles across the country. † (Catskill archive 2007).Though we often disregard the nation’s railways as a means of transportation, the development of the food industry proves that the use of the railway can be vital to the development of an industry. It is imperative that we learn the lesson of the refrigerated rail car and realize that technology does not necessarily have to be cutting edge to have a major impact on the lifestyle we choose to lead. After all, though a cutting edg e iPhone may be all the rage, eggs and bacon for breakfast will help get the day off to a good start. The technology needed for breakfast is much more complicated, and older, than we might have imagined. Works CitedCalifornia Rail History Museum, , Access December 18, 2007. Chaney, Margaret S. â€Å"The Role of Science in Today's Food† Marriage and Family Living, Vol. 19, No. 2, Health and Family Welfare. (May, 1957), pp. 142-149. City of South Fork, Colorado, â€Å"City History† , Accessed December 18, 2007. Crossley, J. C. â€Å"Processing â€Å"Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Vol. 66, No. 1. (Mar. , 1976), pp. 60-75. Hill, Howard Copeland. â€Å"The Development of Chicago as a Center of the Meat Packing Industry† The Mississippi Valley Historical Review, Vol.10, No. 3. (Dec. , 1923), pp. 253-273. â€Å"Loading Spinach into a Refrigerator Car†, Catskill Archive, , Access December 18, 2007. Powell, Fred Wilbur. â€Å"Co-operative Ma rketing of California Fresh Fruit†The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 24, No. 2. (Feb. , 1910), pp. 392-418. â€Å"Senate Bill seeks to Regulate Sanitary Transportation of Food† < http://www. allbusiness. com/refrigeration/20041119/4455016-1. html>, Accessed December 19, 2007. Appendix 1 From the Catskill Archive: Loading spinach into a â€Å"reefer†, a refrigerated rail car.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Monitor Your Diabetes Safely †With BIOSAFE Hemoglobin A1c

Routine monitoring of your HbA1c level is just one of the very important steps that you must take to help keep your diabetes under control. Without HbA1c testing you're taking unnecessary risks. Don’t delay another day – Your life is far too important! BIOSAFE has made HbA1c testing more convenient than ever. The BIOSAFE Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) blood test is a laboratory procedure that measures the total amount of hemoglobin A1c in your blood. Comparing the results of your initial HbA1c test to the results of subsequent tests can determine the progress you’ve made in properly managing your diabetes. The specimen collection process is quick, easy and virtually painless. Using the special lancet (included in the BIOSAFE Blood Collection Kit), a couple of drops of blood are taken from a nick of a finger and deposited onto a special collection card. The card is then sent to BIOSAFE Laboratories for analysis. BIOSAFE tests your blood sample to see how much HbA1c is present and then mails the results back to you in an easy-to-read, understandable report. When Are You Most Likely To Conceive? Find out with Ovuliteâ„ ¢ Ovulation Test Each menstrual cycle is divided into two parts – before ovulation and after ovulation. To accurately detect ovulation you must understand the fertility cycle and read the simple results. Used correctly, Ovuliteâ„ ¢ can help you get pregnant. Ovuliteâ„ ¢ is an optical device which allows a woman to predict the ovulation phase of her cycle in order to know the days of the month during which she is most likely to conceive. It consists of a small cylindrical container about the size of a lipstick tube, a focalizable eyepiece and a small slide where the saliva sample is placed and illuminated with an LED (light emitting diode) when a button is pressed. Ovuliteâ„ ¢ â€Å"personal ovulation microscope† operates based upon the principle that saliva forms a â€Å"ferning† pattern when dried which indicates the biochemical and hormonal changes (estrogen) taking place in the body during ovulation. These fern-like shapes (which appear like frost on a windowpane) are easily observable through the Ovulite ocular lens which is capable of a 40X magnification. Early Warning Is Possible With The BIOSAFE Prostate Screen From Home Prostate cancer is most often found by Digital Rectal Exam (DRE) and by a blood test called PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen). If either test is abnormal, then a prostate biopsy is done to get tissue from the prostate to look for cancer. It is recommended that men over the age of 50 get a PSA and DRE yearly. BIOSAFE has developed a nationwide network of medical doctors for this purpose. The BIOSAFE Prostate Screen is a laboratory blood test that measures a chemical substance produced by the prostate gland called Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA). Small amounts of this substance can be measured in the bloodstream by the Prostate Screen. Certain conditions of the prostate may raise the level of PSA in the blood and, while elevated levels of PSA are not harmful, they are an important signal of possible prostate disease. The BIOSAFE Prostate Screen provides you with an accurate, convenient, and inexpensive way to discover you own PSA level. The specimen collection process is quick, easy and virtually painless. Accurate And Convenient – Home TSH Test (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) The best way to initially test thyroid function is to measure the TSH level in a blood sample. A high TSH level indicates that the thyroid gland is failing because of a problem that is directly affecting the thyroid (primary hypothyroidism). The opposite situation, in which the TSH level is low, usually indicates that the person has an overactive thyroid that is producing too much thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism). (American Thyroid Association 2005) This is a self-collected laboratory analysis that measures a substance called Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH).   This test will help you and your health care professional identify and/or monitor an underactive or overactive thyroid condition. The specimen collection process is quick, easy and virtually painless. A couple of drops of blood are taken from a nick of a finger and deposited into a special collection device called a BTS (Blood Transport System). The BTS is then sent to BIOSAFE Laboratories for analysis. BIOSAFE tests your blood sample to see how much TSH is present and then mails the results back to you in an easy-to-read, understandable report.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The role of nuclear medicine and other imaging modalities in Article - 1

The role of nuclear medicine and other imaging modalities in hyperthyrodism - Article Example In clinical practice different hyperthyroid conditions such as Graves’ disease, hyperthyroid goiter, and other conditions such as toxic multinodular or nodular goitre need assessment of activity of the gland. In this review, contemporary literature has been reviewed to update current knowledge on this topic. This assignment reveals that radionuclide imaging is an important diagnostic modality in the workup of hyperthyroid disorders, but despite that, in some cases the diagnostic yield is better with ultrasonography or PET scanning. In some cases, combined use of these imaging investigations pinpoints the diagnosis in a more suitable manner. Review of these articles and the knowledge apparent may be used to frame a guideline of advice regarding imaging practice in this area. The thyroid gland produces two hormones, namely, thyroxin (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). These are known to play important physiological roles in the human body. Anatomically, the thyroid gland is located in the neck, in front of the trachea. It comprises of two lobes, right and left, connected by a narrow bridge of thyroid tissue, known as isthmus. It is a very highly vascular organ. The normal adult thyroid gland consists of follicles lined by thyroid follicular cells that contain large amount of thyroglobulin. This serves as the protein precursor of the thyroid hormones (Broome, 2006). Endocrinologically, increased need for thyroid hormone leads to a signal pathway mediated by thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) leading to release of active hormone from a bound state with thyroglobulin to a free state, eventually being secreted into the blood stream. When there is hypersecretion of thyroid hormones due to any cause, the condition is known as hyperthyroidism. Usually hyperthyroidis m is indicated by an elevated level of TSH. Therefore, in clinical practice the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism is made by finding an abnormally elevated TSH level which

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Relationship between Fashion and Art Assignment

The Relationship between Fashion and Art - Assignment Example This assignment discusses if the fashion belongs in an art gallery, how the fashion and art collision are defined. To identify the similarities and differences of fashion and the field of art, the research will focus on the changes that the industry has experienced over the last 10 years. Starting from the year 2005, it will be possible to observe the historical transformation of the two fields and examine any relationship between the two. The main focus of this research is to identify the difference between art and fashion and the way the two relate. Over history, the topic of the relationship between fashion and art has been of great importance. A controversy exists among scholars as some agree that fashion and art are close to each other while others believe that they are two different fields. Those who support the idea say that fashion is a manifestation of art and the two change in the same style. They are dynamic and they have to change with time. Those who view fashion and art as separate entities explain that Art produces ugly things that become beautiful with time, while fashion produces beautiful things that become ugly with time. On this note, there seems to be no major concession on whether there is a major relationship between fashion and art. By focusing on this topic, it will be possible to focus on the question of when fashion can be seen as art or vice versa. As a student of films and arts, the concept of fashion and art are relevant and one must have a clear understanding.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Exploring Types of Literature Creatively Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Exploring Types of Literature Creatively - Essay Example bsorbed herself in the bewitching moonlight, an idea floated in her mind, which compelled her go inside to bring the mobile set with her on return to the courtyard. She sat under the moon, and dialed a number and waited for the reply from the other side. Michael: (in a pleasant mood) â€Å"O no, never never my doll-like Eve, it is my pleasure that ye called me and remembered me even at late hours of night, when moon has spread its jubilance and mirth everywhere.† Eve: â€Å"OK, but it is his routine to keep sleep as soon as he enters his house, which is not fair at all. When one has been blessed with a comely and handsome wife, why shouldn’t he enjoy while making love with her?† Eve: (in a bit shy tone) : â€Å"You; you are the only obstacle on my way†¦.. Neither had you the courage to express your feelings before me, nor do you want to take me in the deep valleys of merry-making, you are just a selfish man.† Eve (soliloquy): â€Å"I couldn’t understand my relationship with Michael; being James’s wife, it is not fair to get involved into emotional or physical relationship with any other man, but if husband is unable to pay due heed to his charming wife, then she has every right to have connection with some other, even beyond her marital-knot, in order to soothe her mental and physical demands; I am a young and graceful lady, after all†¦.. (Pause) Eve: (again soliloquy) â€Å"How magnificently Michael admires my intellect, my imagination, my thoughts and my apparent charms, which James is unable to do. I really feel gratification, satisfaction, pleasure and recreation while sitting with him, in his arms, making fun, laughing, chatting, kitting jokes and shares all woes and worries of my life. I have no conscience to prick me stop meeting to Michael, as he is my companion, my love and soul-mate; so, I will never consider it as a sin, and will satisfy my desires till he is with me.† (In the meantime, she receives Michael’s message, where he informs her

Monday, August 26, 2019

German Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

German - Essay Example It was situated just next to the great Jewish monument. The Roma / Sinti memorial is also of a more modest scale as compared to the Jewish one which is of the size of a football field. It is located to the north-eastern part of large Berlin’s center and is not far from the vast memorial for the infamed murdered Jews of Europe. It was a good idea to have different monuments or memorials for the different affected groups. They suffered different causes like racism, beliefs as well as sexuality. They also represented people of different origins. The Germans, in particular, also suffered as far as the gay holocaust is concerned. Even the gay Nazis were murdered. This difference had to be observed in order to accurately pair the remembrance of their suffering to their true identities. The ort der information or the underground information was a brilliant idea conceived by Peter Eisenman together with Dagmar. It is this site that blends history and memory. It serves both as a site of memory and that of history, both informational and commemorative (Crownshaw and Rowland 86). The naming of the monument in the memory of the killed Jews absolves the other Jews who perished in the Germanys dark ages from the conditions they were subjected to in the concentration camps. Some died of diseases and others even committed suicide. Logically, in one way or another, they all died in the times of the holocaust from the Nazis set conditions, unfair laws, or even maltreatment. The more favorable and inclusive for all Jews would be â€Å"Memorial to the perished Jews under Nazism†. The United States of America never perpetrated the Holocaust. Actually, it was the U.S. that assisted in ending the holocaust. The genocide of the native Red Indians and other atrocities that were committed during the slavery period took place closer home, and therefore are more connected to the United States. For this reason, the establishment of the Holocaust

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Persuavive Letter to I.M. Bibe stating the reasons that Bibe is bound Research Paper

Persuavive Letter to I.M. Bibe stating the reasons that Bibe is bound by the Contract - Research Paper Example A possible argument would be the intoxicating effect of wine that distorted your judgment; however, this will encounter legal obstacles. This is because an individual who is highly subdued by the wine cannot enter into valid contracts. As such, in an extreme intoxicated state your hand will not be firm enough to outline a clear signature. The signature was firm and accurate like your other signatures. Furthermore, there are few cases, which back Owen Lotts claim of holding you liable to the agreement. The courts set precedents on earlier cases that make it possible for the legal representation of Lotts to pursue this issue with vigor. The argument in Guidini vs. Guidini Case where the plaintiff claimed he was not sober upon making the agreement cannot apply. Although they are similar because Lotts was buying the wine for you (I.M.Bibe); furthermore, in the Guidini case, the contract was signed after two weeks (Guidici v. Guidici, 2 Cal.2d 497 (Cal., 1935). This technicality erodes an y binding precedent to the case since not all factors are similar. The case of Donnelly’s vs. Rees indicates that one of the parties was intoxicated and convinced into finalizing a contract (Donnelly v. Rees, 141 Cal. 56 (Cal. 1903). However, in the Donnelly’s case, the plaintiff was drunk for longer periods unlike in your setting where you had lunch. This is a basis to argue the non-application of this precedent in this case. Interestingly, the elements in Marron vs. Marron are similar to the Donnelly’s case, and will emphasize Lotts plea in affirming your liability (Marron v. Marron, 19 Cal. App. 326. (Cal.App. 1 Dist. 1912). It would be considerably difficult to present your innocence since no supportive precedent of your situation exists. Furthermore, in the case of Swan v. Tablot, the precedent was affirmative that equity will not allow an individual to escape liability claiming he was not sober upon

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Sociology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Sociology - Essay Example Business cannot operate anymore by simply imposing their own culture in the workplace as well as to the customers. One important element of culture is language. Language is not merely words, objects or symbols. In fact, language embodies the value systems of a group of people. There is an established communication process in a certain culture that must be observed. For example, the case of Chevy Nova which was a real blunder because the company failed to understand the context of the word in Latin America. Another glaring example of wrongly communicating a product to the public was Pepsi-Cola’s campaign that offended the Chinese people. People have deep reverence for ancestors and did not want any form of disrespect for their ancestors coming back from the grave. Usually, western cultures like that of the United States use euphemisms or symbols in their language. This creates miscommunication that puts the company’s products in a bad light. If Jerry’s company wou ld like to succeed in their overseas venture, then they should consult locals who are expert in marketing and media relations so their messages would sound appropriate to the public. Bartel’s study has established the fact that the highest learning comes from interaction among global teams. Each culture has its own strengths that can be harnessed so people can work productively. The case of the guy who worked with Russians show that some cultures respect hard work. It is indeed hard to acquire the trust and confidence of another culture because they have different values systems. The first step then could be working hard and showing that you mean business. On the other hand, the company should be firm yet considerate of its external environment. Shariff was right when he stated that simple things such as table manners can turn away clients resulting to lost income. It is very important for officers or managers assigned on an overseas assignment to study the culture of the cou ntry before making any policies or programs. A slight error can be costly as the case of Wal-Mart’s pull out in Germany costing the company 2 billion dollars. A good example of a company that succeeded is Mitsubishi because it imposes an international policy in the company that promotes to workers the value of cultural tolerance and respect for other human rights. Jerry can begin creating a committee that can formulate similar policies to start things right. Perhaps, seeking specialists in this area is a good idea as well as studying Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions for every country that they would expand. Hofstede’s study is valuable to people like Jerry to understand how and why certain groups of people act. For example, the Japanese highly value team work and frowns upon personal pride. Sales teams can be reworked in a way that it would promote teamwork in Japan rather than give the best salesperson lavish praises. Jerry and the committee can look for internat ional companies that have models of cultural tolerance in the workplace. Jerry should not be afraid of expanding although he has heard of many negative reports of big businesses like Wal-Mart and \Starbucks failing in another country. Instead, he can use these cases to prevent his company from following the same footstep. In the case of Starbucks in Australia, the company failed because at the very start of planning, the company analyzed only the business using a quantitative approach. It definitely created feasibility and

Healthcare Information Management Personal Statement

Healthcare Information Management - Personal Statement Example are record system has proven to be a better means of documenting medical records and this is the reason that I am interested in using this method in documenting the medical records of patients. I am sure that the proper utilization of the electronic medical records system would help have an easy and fast access to the medical information of my clients and this means that less time would be spent on data retrieval. The electronic healthcare record system has not only revived the medical practice, but it has also revitalized the medical practitioners themselves. This technological innovation would guarantee reduced clinical, medical and prescription errors, thus departing from the age of paper healthcare records, where errors are too many. This has further influenced my decision to work in the healthcare information field using this great technological advancement. The primary job of a medical practitioner is to cater for the needs of their patients and meet their expectations in terms of qualitative healthcare. The electronic system would not only give me a satisfactory level of job satisfaction, but it would also give me the opportunity to meet the expectations of my clients in terms of healthcare delivery and services. This great innovation would not only save the time of doctors, but it would also save the time of the patients. This is another reason that I would like to work in this field using the electronic healthcare record

Friday, August 23, 2019

Fitness Industry Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Fitness Industry - Assignment Example Approximately 78% out of the total population of 4.6 million belong to the 15-64 years old age bracket which represents the target market of the fitness club of Global PLC Ventures. Another 20% of the total population is below 15 years old. These two population segments comprise the future consumers of the new fitness centres in Dubai. The extremely robust private sector growth has created the need for new workers. Dubai had received US $32 trillion dollars in foreign direct investment that had funded the construction of new office buildings, residential towers and condominium residences in 2007 and 2008. These new businesses require many new workers. The labour force has increased to 4% per annum as new companies and enterprises open next year. Expatriate workers have been hired to work in new companies. Dubai has a very young and growing population: 47% of its population are below 15 years old. This fast-growing young population and the business executives are the target market of the Fitness business of Global PLC Ventures for its health and fitness business.Dubai has an open policy towards foreign businesses. It allows 100% foreign ownership and offers tax breaks to foreign companies. The most interesting development of Dubai is the three man-made islands: The Palm Islands, The s The Palm Dubai and The Palms. The project is being handled by Al Nakheel Properties. This property development will establish new residential, leisure, and entertainment areas. The two man-made artificial palm tree-shaped resort islands established Dubai's position as a top tourist destination in the Middle East. The Palm Islands is now... This paper approves that nutrition, exercise and a healthy lifestyle are becoming achievable goals with the establishment of fitness clubs in various parts of the world. Most of the fitness clubs offer state-of-the-art exercise equipment, individualized personal fitness training, group classes and nutrition advice. Indeed, the fitness industry is an emerging sector which can capture a wide and affluent clientele in carefully chosen business sites of Global PLC Ventures. The company must choose very interesting locations such as developed economies which guarantee growth and profitability for its fitness operations. This essay makes a cocnclusion that in terms of the bargaining power of buyers, it will be low since most of the consumers get high salaries as executives and employees of government firms and government controlled corporations. There are also many citizens who are working in multinational corporations as key executives. Public and private corporations give very high compensation and benefits packages for the citizens. Hence, the possibility of establishing fitness centres is nil for Brunei and Dubai citizens and residents as they do not have the appropriate technical training and business knowledge pertinent to management of a fitness business. In terms of the bargaining power of suppliers, it will be low because the fitness gym business is highly capital intensive due to high rental costs, high human resource costs and high maintenance costs of the equipment. A regular supplier of gym equipment cannot just easily venture into the fitness gym business; he must have a high capital.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Organic Food Industry in India Essay Example for Free

Organic Food Industry in India Essay India today is on the threshold of an organic revolution and Indian Organic Food industry though at a nascent stage, has experienced steadfast growth in past few years. The country’s budding organic food market is transforming into world’s fastest growing organic food market backed by a shift in consumer behavior and spending patterns. Trends in the Industry Organic Food Stores New Varieties on offer Rising Investments Marketing Techniques Organic Food Industry has been blossoming in India. The industry to which overseas demand/exports was oxygen to breathe will be experiencing a colossal change in the consumption pattern in times to come. With growing health awareness among the people coupled with rising disposable incomes and support from Indian government, organic food will surely secure a permanent place in Indian households. Evolving perception of organic food from being a luxury only for elite to a necessity will drive the domestic consumption. Also, overseas demand for Indian organic food will remain robust and continue to drive the industry to rare heights. Indian Organic Food industry currently pegged at USD 189 million in 2011 is stated to grow at a CAGR of ~45%, to reach USD 1733 million by 2017. SCOPE OF THE REPORT Indian Organic Food Industry at a glance Emerging trends in the industry like organic food stores, Rising investments, Marketing techniques etc Demand Supply scenario encompassing production, demand export numbers and projections Factors driving growth, Issues Challenges Government Regulations Initiatives in Indian market Major players Forecasts REASONS TO BUY To understand the various factors which are fuelling the growth and those which are/will be critical for the industry performance in the near term Comprehensive report covering all the aspects required to understand the industry performance and future prospects. The report elucidates the current market scenario of the industry and forecasts key parameters which helps to anticipate the industry performance A burgeoning organic market beckons to India’s rural farmers Indian farmers have started to reap dividends from their budding interest in organic farming. It wasn’t long back, around seven years ago, when Indian farmers started to go organic. In 2006-07, around 4. 32 lakh ha reported organic produce — a large portion came from wild and non-agricultural land — which has now reached around 11 lakh ha, as per the recent report ‘The World of Organic Agriculture, 2013’ by FiBL and IFOAM (Research Institute of Organic Agriculture and International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements). â€Å"The growth rate has reached around 20% per year, much higher than early expectations,† says Krishan Chandra, director, National Centre of Organic Farming. The current market for organic foods in India is pegged at Rs. 2,500 crore, which according to ASSOCHAM, is expected to reach Rs. 6,000 crore by 2015. It’ll still leave us at 1% of the global market. Thus, a huge potential is seen in the nascent Indian organic sector. â€Å"Apart from states like Sikkim or MP, we’re seeing a rising interest in Gujarat, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, UP and Bihar,† says Chandra. India outnumbers every other country in terms of organic producers with an estimated 5,47,591. Organic products, which until now were mainly being exported, are now finding consumers in the domestic market. â€Å"Even Tier II cities like Nagpur, Allahabad, Gorakhpur and Bhatinda show an increase in organic consumption,† says Sunil Kumar, AGM at Morarka Rural Research Foundation. According to a survey of 1,000 consumers in ten cities done by Morarka Organic Foods, around 30% of Indian consumers preferred organic products and were even prepared to pay 10 to 20% more for them. â€Å"Soil abused by chemical fertiliser excesses takes more time to produce comparable yields. Although, the cost of organic cultivation is much less, reducing cost incurred in purchasing costly inputs,† says Rohitashwa Ghakar, Project Head, International Competence Centre for Organic Agriculture. * Regions reap their rewards North Growth: In UP, organic certification has gone up 36 fold in the last six years. The area under organic cultivation rose from 3,034 to 111,644 ha. However, most of the organic farming is under a corporate-farmer contract. In Haryana, with hardly any takers till 2008, organic crops today are produced in more than 10,000 ha. However, Punjab farmers have shown little interest. Of the total 4046 lakh ha of land under cultivation, only a minuscule portion 2104 ha is under organic farming. Popular organic crops: Nearly 40,000 farmers in UP are growing organic wheat, rice, pulses, maize, and numerous herbs like Tulsi, Ashwagandh, Aloe Vera. Haryana grows mostly vegetables like tomato, beans, or fruits like summer-squash, melons and mangoes. â€Å"Although I sell the produce in Delhi, most of it goes to retail chains†, says Kanwal Chauhan, a farmer in Sonepat. Challenges: Punjab State Farmers’ Commission consultant Dr PS Rangi feels that organic farming cannot feed the entire country. â€Å"One can grow vegetables or some wheat for personal use, but it can’t be grown on a large scale. † (By Pankaj Jaiswal, Rajesh Moudgil and Gurpreet Nibber) South Growth: In Kerala, at least 40 % of the farming is organic and the state is set to become the second fully organic state after Sikkim in 2016. From 7,000 ha in 2007, the state has spread organic cultivation to 16,000 ha. In Andhra Pradesh another 11,500 ha would be added to the current 4273. 54 ha this year. In Karnataka, under the organic programmes of the state, an area of 1,18,676 ha has seen organic farming benefiting around one lakh farmers, said R Anuradha, agriculture department. Popular organic crops: More than grains and pulses in Kerala organic farming is prevalent in cash crops, rice and vegetables. In Andhra’s smaller towns and villages, people are slowly shifting to organically grown rice, ragi and other millets. In Karnataka, crops like pepper, vanilla, coffee, nutmeg — which are not available in other parts of India — are a popular choice. Challenges: In large tracts of the state’s tribal belt like Karnataka and AP, the farmers have engaged in slash/burn farming for generations and do not use any pesticide or fertilizer. There have been no efforts to take this into account. (By Ramesh Babu, Ashok Das and Naveen Ammembala) North East Growth: 30. 92 lakh ha out of the net cultivated area of 43 lakh ha in the region have never seen the use of chemical fertilisers. Almost 89% of farmland is categorised as organic in Mizoram, which passed an Organic Act in 2004. Whereas Meghalaya, a major strawberry producer, eyes a turnout of 500 MT from the current 250 MT a year. Popular organic crops: Much of the area in the region is taken up by paddy, vegetables and fruits such as grapes. The more prosperous farmers are into cultivation of medicinal plants, rose and anthurium, primarily for export. â€Å"Mizoram has become the largest anthurium flower producer in India, owing to almost 98% of women anthurium growers,† said Samuel Rosanglura of Mizoram’s horticulture department. Challenges: Most state governments promote vermi-compost and manure in the region since bio-fertilisers and bio-pesticides are difficult to access. (By Rahul Karmakar) West Growth: Gujarat has seen substantial growth in organic farming. It currently utilises around 42,000 ha under organic farming. Maharashtra has been a front runner in organic farming with around 6. 5 lakh ha under it, a huge rise from 18,786 ha in 2005-06. In Rajasthan, there has been a ten-fold increase. From around 22,000 ha in 2005-06, the state has taken a leap to 2,17,712 ha. Popular organic crops: Gujarat grows organic wheat, pulses and fruits like mango, chikoo and papaya. While cotton, turmeric, ginger are some crops grown in Rajasthan. In Maharashtra, cotton, cereals, fruits dominate the organic farming scene. The state has initiated a pilot project to grow grapes that will produce organic wine. Challenges: â€Å"Tribals who hardly use chemical fertilisers are left out of organic benefits,† says Kapil Shah of Jatan Trust that promotes organic farming. (By Mahesh Langa) Yoav Lev was a 22-year-old backpacker when he first came to India in 1987. A graduate from an agricultural boarding school in Israel, he came seeking inner peace from his spiritual guru, the late H. W. L. Poonja of Lucknow, better known as Papaji. The quest was to find my true purpose and true self, he says. He eventually stayed on in India, taking on a new name, Bharat Mitra, and is currently the Founder and President of Organic India, one of Indias leading organic foods companies. It ended 2012 with Rs 60 crore revenues and hopes to reach Rs 90 crore this year, with about half of its sales in India. Five years ago, 75 per cent of our revenue came from exports and the rest from the domestic market. Now both markets have equal share:Raj Seelam Photo: A Prabhakar Rao Organic foods are those made from agricultural products grown without the use of pesticides or chemical fertilisers. It was from Papaji that Lev learnt the healing power of tulsi (basil plant). By 1997, he had begun cultivating three types of tulsi organically in Azamgarh in eastern Uttar Pradesh. In 2006 he launched Organic India with tulsi tea as its flagship product. Today, the company makes 18 different flavours of tulsi tea and 33 different herbal formulations or supplements, which are said to have medicinal value. He is gearing up to launch a complete range of organic food items, including rice and pulses. We are in the final stages of a very promising joint venture to launch a comprehensive range of products both for the Indian market and for exports, says Lev. He prefers not to reveal the name of the well known Indian company he is negotiating with. Lev is not alone. A clutch of entrepreneurs in India is betting big on the domestic organic food market . Consider Raj Seelam, an Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad alumnus. When Lev first took up tulsi cultivation, some 1,200 km down south in Hyderabad, Seelam was still selling pesticides and fertilisers. From 1988 to 2000, he worked in the farm inputs division of E. I. D Parry, a Murugappa Group company, one of the largest industrial groups in India. It gave me a chance to interact closely with farmers and see the havoc that indiscriminate use of pesticides can create, he says. This spurred him to consider organic farming, even though he was aware agribusinesses rarely succeed in India, because of low margins and excessive government control. Today, his company, Sresta Natural Bioproducts, sells a range of 200 organic products in India and overseas from rice, pulses, sugar, and juices to breakfast cereals and jams. Five years ago, 75 per cent of our revenue came from exports and the balance from the domestic market. Now both markets have equal share, he says. Indeed, the demand for organic foods in India has seen a sharp growth in recent years. While earlier, organic food producers primarily aimed at exports to Europe and the United States, there is now a gradual shift. The demand for organic foods has been growing and today we stock a range of around 38 different organic foods in 40 stores as against just about half a dozen stores three years ago, says S. Jagdish Krishnan, Chief Operating Officer of the retail and bakery divisions of Heritage Foods, an organic food company with a big presence in Bangalore, Chennai and Hyderabad. Most of the big retail chains now stock organic products, including Godrej Natures Basket, Hyper City, Food Bazaar, More, Nilgiris, Spencers and Tesco Starbazar. While no of-ficial figures are available, industry estimates put the organic food market within India at close to Rs 100 crore, having grown five-fold in the last six years. When Seelam began organic cultivation in 2004, not a single domestic retailer was willing to stock his products. They feared stocks would not move, since organic foods are significantly more expensive than conventional foods. That is partly due to higher processing costs, since they choose to eschew chemical additives, as well as higher packaging costs, to ensure a reasonably long shelf life. A kilo of Sona Masuri rice, a well known brand, for instance, sells at Rs 40 per kg while organic rice of the same variety costs Rs 60 per kg. Again, tur dal (a commonly used variety of pulses in India) is available at Rs 90 per kg while its organic version costs Rs 140 per kg. This is despite the doubling of prices of these commodities in the past three years, while the organic variants have stayed at almost the same price levels. Seelam was forced to focus on exports. But unwilling to give up on the local market, he set up his own retail stores in four cities Hyderabad, Bangalore, Pune and Chennai to promote organic products. Today, almost every major retail outlet is willing to stock his products. He has a presence in close to 40 cities and towns, ranging from Patiala in the north to Guntur in the south, and broke even last year. So, why have domestic consumers taken to organic foods despite their cost? Mukesh Gupta, Director of Morarka Organic, which mainly focuses on the domestic market, attributes it to rising disposable incomes and improved awareness about the health benefits of organic foods. From 2007 to 2012, the average middle class income in India has shot up. The consumer is willing to pay more for good quality food, he says. Between 2007 and 2012, the average middle class income in India has shot up. The consumer is willing to pay more for goodquality food: Mukesh Gupta Photo: Vivan Mehra/www. indiatodayimages. com The demand for organic foods will only grow in India, organic food producers claim, with the implementation of the Food Safety and Standards Act from February this year. The new law sets more stringent standards of food safety raising the bar on the quality of food manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and import. The stress on quality under the new Act will push up prices of foodstuff made using conventional techniques, reducing the price differential with organic food, and boosting sales, asserts Gupta. However, consumers would do well to ensure that they only buy certified organic products, say producers. Organic food products manufactured in and exported from India are marked with the India Organic certification mark issued by certification agencies accredited under the the National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP) and monitored by the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA). Most of the ing organic food companies in India voluntarily opt for this certification, though it is not mandatory for domestic sales. The demand for certified organic foods has been growing since 2001. These are produced by about 570,000 small farmers in India with 500,000 hectares under cultivation, says National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP) Organic products are grown under a system of agriculture without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides with an environmentally and socially responsible approach. This is a method of farming that works at grass root level preserving the reproductive and regenerative capacity of the soil, good plant nutrition, and sound soil management, produces nutritious food rich in vitality which has resistance to diseases. India is bestowed with lot of potential to produce all varieties of organic products due to its various agro climatic regions. In several parts of the country, the inherited tradition of organic farming is an added advantage. This holds promise for the organic producers to tap the market which is growing steadily in the domestic market related to the export market. Currently, India ranks 33rd in terms of total land under organic cultivation and 88th position for agriculture land under organic crops to total farming area. The cultivated land under certification is around 4. 43 million Ha ( 2010-11). The Government of India has implemented the National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP). The national programme involves the accreditation programme for certification bodies, norms for organic production, promotion of organic farming etc. The NPOP standards for production and accreditation system have been recognized by European Commission and Switzerland as equivalent to their country standards. Similarly, USDA has recognized NPOP conformity assessment procedures of accreditation as equivalent to that of US. With these recognitions, Indian organic products duly certified by the accredited certification bodies of India are accepted by the importing countries. PRODUCTION India produced around 3. 88 million MT of certified organic products which includes all varieties of food products namely Basmati rice, Pulses, Honey, Tea, Spices, Coffee, Oil Seeds, Fruits, Processed food, Cereals, Herbal medicines and there value added products. The production is not limited to the edible sector but also produces organic cotton fiber, garments, cosmetics, functional food products, body care products, etc. EXPORTS India exported 86 items last year (2010-11) with the total volume of 69837 MT. The export realization was around 157. 22 million US $ registering a 33% growth over the previous year. Organic products are mainly exported to EU, US, Australia, Canada, Japan, Switzerland, South Africa and Middle East. Oil Crops (except Sesame) leads among the products exported (17966 MT).

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Supply Chain Management Case Study: Turkish Airline

Supply Chain Management Case Study: Turkish Airline At present, many companies are usually seeing their profits and income slip through their fingers as result of the of process gaps existing in various departments. As clienteles, staffs, partners or dealers move through a companys business processes, new publically conscious tools can inhibit them from getting stuck in multifaceted processes. Therefore, there is a need for synchronizing and integrating various processes which include; operation process, market process, production and procurement process. If not, a lack of synchronization and integration of various business processes can deny many of the vital benefits resulting from employing commercial process management and business instructions management or any other solutions that guarantee operational competence and efficiency. Before looking at how Turkish airline can Synchronize and integrate operation process, market process, production and procurement process, there is a need for defining what is meant by each of the processes; Marketing process This is the marketing model that any company must find a way to realizeunsatisfiedconsumer needs and bring to market goods and services that fulfill those desires. The procedure of doing so can be exhibited in a series of steps that ensure unsatisfied consumers fulfill their desires. Operational processes These are the processes that ensure consistenttactic to all activities accomplished. There is no anycompany that can afford several ways to undertake activities, nor can it afford extraopenings to encouragedisaster from lack of documented and well-definedoperational process. Production process Production process is focused with transmuting a variety of inputs into yields that are essentialto the market. All production process encompasses a sequence of networks in a production chain. In every stage, value is added during production process. Procurement process This is a process thataida firm in acquiring goods and services from peripheral dealers. Having looked at the meaning of operation process, market process, production and procurement process, it is very clear that all this processes are very vital in the operation of any organization. Therefore, Turkish airline can Synchronize and integrate these processes in the following ways: In order for Turkish airline to Synchronize and integrate these processes at the correct time at the right place at the right quintets, so they can shrink the cost and upsurge customer services fulfillment simultaneously, they need to do matching. Matching is the process of collecting and relating all the similar activities in the organization. Through matching process, Turkish airline will be able to synchronize and integrate all the company processes. This will be done by putting all the related activities in every process then relate them. This will ensure employing a certain group of workers to work in those clustered processes from different departments (processes) in the company. This will help Turkish airline save a lot of money due to the reduction in the number of employees. This is because; one employee can work in different department within the same airline. Apart from synchronizing Market, operation, production and procurement processes, integration process would be very important integration in order to reduce operation cost and increase customer satisfaction. Integration, in Turkish airline, can be done by investigating affiliations across a corporate compendium in order to formtaxonomiesand unifyprocesses into a standardized system. To do this, it will include both merging and matching methods. Through integration, processes within the airline which are closely related will be unified thus forming one standardized system. This will help in saving time in saving customers, lower operation cost due to reduction in the number of employees and also be able to increase customers satisfaction due to the existence of a standardized system of operation. Outsource the Catering Since Turkish airline is a very big airline, it must outsource some services like catering because this is the service that requires a lot of working strategies. Turkish airline should therefore identify large company of caterers who have their in-house experts for nearly everything that is required to done in catering department in Turkish airline. It would be a way forward for Turkish airline to hire outside experts for special catering services that are required in order to cater for various kinds of the customers travelling in Turkish airline. By employing this catering company, the Turkish airline should divide the kind of miles to be offered to the travellers travelling in Turkish airline. This will ensure that customer only chose their preferred meal from the available set of food items and drinks available for every type of schedule. This will ensure that there is catering services for breakfast, lunch and dinner which will depend on the schedule of the airline. In doing this, Turkish airline will be able to save a lot of money by ensuring only food items prepared are suitable a certain type of travel schedule. It will also avoid inconvenience of the customers ordering something which is not available. Also, this will increase customer satisfactions since customers will be choosing items available in the menu for a certain schedule of the airline. This will help market Turkish airline since customers will be satisfied by the services being offered by the Turkish airline. This will therefore increase the number of returning customers and also help Turkish airline attract other new customers through the good thing being said by the old customers of Turkish airline. Supply Chain Management Supply chain management means the oversight of information, finances and materials as they shift in a procedure from the supplier to the manufacturer to the wholesaler to the retailer and to consumers. Supply chain management engrosses integrating and coordinating the flows both among and within companies. It is believed that, the final goal of all efficient supply chain management systems is to lower inventory, with the presumption that, all products are readily available when they are needed. Supply chain management surge can be subdivided into three key flows: The information flow The product flow The finances flow Products flow involves the faction of goods from the supplier to the customer, and all customers returns or service necessities. The data flow involves conveying orders as well as updating the delivery status. The financial flows consist of payment schedules, title and consignment ownership and credit terms provisions. There exist two key types of supply chain management software: execution applications and planning applications. Planning applications make use of advanced algorithms to examine the most appropriate means to fill orders. Execution applications pursue the physical characteristics of goods, materials management, and the financial information engrossing entire parties. Some supply chain management applications are focused on open information models, which support the distribution of information both outside and inside the enterprise. This is known as the comprehensive enterprise, and may include main suppliers, end customers and manufacturers of a particular company. This shared information might reside in variedÂÂ  data warehouses or database systems at several different companies and sites. By giving out the data upstream with the companys suppliers and the downstream with the companys clients, supply chain management applications have the capability to upgrade the market-to-time products, allow all parties and reduce costs in the supply chain management to better manage the current resources as well as plan for future necessities. Supply Chain In early 2008 AMR Research (2008b) reported that, firms in the Supply Chain Top 25 reported an average total stock market return for 2007 of 17.89%, while the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) had average returns of 6.43% and the SP 500 index had average returns of 3.53% during the same period (Hauser 2010, 446-462). At the time the Supply Chain Top 25 included firms in the computer, electronics, automotive, retail, beverage, health care, apparel, and pharmaceutical industries, indicating a widespread recognition of the value of effective supply chain practices. Later in 2008, when the stock markets were down substantially, the Supply Chain Top 25 was down significantly less than the DJIA and SP 500 indices (Hambrick 2009, 193-206). But it is not all good news for firms participating in supply chains. The downside of ineffective supply chain practices can have a substantial negative effect on firm performance as well. In a study of supply chain glitches, Holbrook (2007) found that when publically traded firms experienced supply chain disruptions, the average abnormal financial returns to firms over the subsequent two year period was close to -40%, and the equity risk of the firms increased at the same time. But supply chain problems are not limited to supply disruptions. Being introduced the design for the new 787 Dreamliner several years ago, but has had numerous production problems with supply availability, collaborative design and development challenges, and problems developing new materials for production (Holbrook 2007, 21-71). In a different industry, Ericsson experienced a supplier problem when a small fire eliminated supply of a critical cell phone chip, and the firm never recovered (Hauser 2010, 446-462). There are many examples of how firms have suffered from ineffective management of supply chains, but regardless of the specific causes firms recognize that mere participation in competitive supply chains does not mean the firm will gain potential benefits. These issues present a conundrum: why do some firms gain significant advantage for supply chains, while others do not and may even underperform relative to their competition? Why is this important? Because planning and implementing effective supply chain practices requires managers to make decisions today that affect how well firms will perform in the future, and the costs of poor decisions today have dramatic effects on future firm performance (Harland 2003, 51-62). Supply chain analysis Why do some firms achieve success with their supply chain practices while others underperform to their potential? One potential answer to this puzzle lies in understanding the difference between the breadth of an overall supply chain versus the effective span of control or influence that a firm has on its particular supply chain, and how the span of influence can be used to competitive advantage. For example, Toyota and Wal-Mart have worked to extend their span of control in supply chains beyond their immediate suppliers while working to implement strategic information systems that provide increased visibility of information in their supply chains to help improve flow of product, reduce inventories, and reduce overall supply chain costs (Hambrick 2009, 193-206). This increased visibility also provides early warning of problems that may be developing in the supply chain, providing additional reaction time that may mean the difference between a supply disruption and effective performance. The value of increased visibility has strategic benefits to firms. Some firms, particularly large firms that have the power of high purchase volumes to induce suppliers to participate in supply chain initiatives may do very well in return. But there are limits on span of control in multi-firm relationships and many firms do not achieve the ability to increase their span of control and leverage in supply chains (Habib 2007, 589-606). If a firm has a low-cost strategy, then the firm should optimize and coordinate the supply chain by having frequent and timely deliveries from suppliers to reduce the required level of inventory and achieve low cost. There are two types of generic strategies to achieve a competitive advantage: low-cost and differentiation strategies. A low-cost strategy enables a firm to design and produce a product more efficiently than its competitors. A differentiation strategy allows a firm to offer a variety of products to the customer with reliability and responsive services (Gutman 2002, 60-72). Functional products which are considered to have stable and predictable demand require an efficient process (efficient chains) to supply that product. On the other hand, innovative products which are considered to have unpredictable demand require a responsive supply chain. This match between product type and supply chain strategy will result in a better profit margin for the organization. An efficient supply chain strategy aims at cutting cost and eliminating non-value activities (Gordon 2007, 396-415). A responsive supply chain strategy tends to focus on being flexible and responsive to changes in customers demand. An agile supply chain strategy combines both risk-hedging and responsive supply chain strategies. In other words, it aims at being flexible and responsive to customers while pooling and sharing resources among suppliers (Glazer 2006, 1-19). Effective Supply Chain Span of Control What happens when a firms effective span of control in a supply chain is less that the span of the total supply chain? If the firm cannot see problems that occur beyond its supply chain span of control, the unforeseen problems can affect business continuity and supply chain performance with no prior warning. The Ericsson example above, where the customer was not aware of the extensive contamination of the chip production plant that resulted in months of delays, is but one example. And increased visibility is not a panacea. In 2003, When Apple was planning to launch its G5 computer using chips from IBM, the launch was delayed by a multi-state power outage because Apple was using a single source strategy in its supply chain for the CPU processor chip (Ghoshal 2007, 425-440). These issues of visibility, control, and coordination all fall under the realm of SCD. They require investments in developing specific capabilities that substitute for the internal control that would be available through vertical integration (Ganesan 2007, 1-19). This observation suggests that superior SCD provides another potential answer to the puzzle of why some firms performance better than others through the use of effective supply chain strategies. This leads to a discussion of SCD (Galunic 2010, 215-255). Capabilities As previously noted, when firms develop specific capabilities in supply chains these capabilities influence how the supply chain performs. Thus, once a capability is implemented it changes the behavior of the system. When the underlying behavior of a organizational system is systematically influenced, it is said to have properties that are identified with that behavior (Christopher 2007, 1-10). For example, firms develop capabilities to improve responsiveness in uncertain environments, and once successfully implemented these firms are said to have agility. Agility is one of many properties that have been identified in supply chains, as noted below. To build on this introduction to properties the discussion turns to defining the term properties and then examples of properties are provided within a supply chain context (Child 2005, 1-22). Supply Chain Relationship Structure Costs and benefits In choosing an SCRS, for every benefit there is a corresponding cost. With a modular SCRS, the expected increase in flexibility and responsiveness comes at the cost of more relationships to manage, more suppliers to qualify, more inter-firm interface standards to define/gain acceptance, and a spread of purchase volume commitments to more than one company, resulting in lower purchase volume leverage. For a firm employing a modular SCRS, the benefits of lower switching costs and responsiveness are traded-off by lower visibility to identify potential problems and the loss of lower total system costs that are available through more extensive coordination and communication practices (Holbrook 2007, 21-71). For an integrated SCRS, the advantages of higher visibility, improved coordination, lower inventories, and lower system cost come at the expense of investments in more integrated information systems, more human capital to maintain closer relationships, and lower flexibility and higher switching costs during dynamic competitive environments. When relationships are switched in an integrated SCRS, the new relationships and integrated processes have to be integrated over time, increasing investments in new suppliers and increasing human capital to aid in the transition. In addition, if a firm over-invests in a relationship, it negates some of the performance benefits, particularly financial performance (Harland 2003, 51-62). If a firm under-invests, it loses some of the potential benefits. Thus there are trade-offs that firms must consider between increased coordination and investment, and between control versus flexibility during environmental change. These SCRS-related costs and benefits need to be placed in the context of a firms desired strategic outcome.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Causes fast economic development in India and China

Causes fast economic development in India and China Since 21st century, Chinas national economy has maintained a growth rate of about 10%, which is called a miracle in the history of the world economy (Cai, 2007). Indias economy has also made remarkable progress. During 2002 to 2006, the economic growth rate reached 7.8%. Since the year 2003 2004, the Indian economy has shown continuous rapid growth: from 2003 to 2007, Indias average annual economic growth rate reached 7.5%, 8.5%, 9.4% and 9.6% (Mohan, 2008). In order to analysis the causes of such fast economic development in the two countries, this essay will firstly introduce the basic framework of open system proposed by Daniel Katz and Robert L. Kahn and how understanding of this theory can instruct the development of economic development. Subsequently, this essay will analyze the key factors that spelling the increasingly rise of economy in China and India, such as the population change, the investment on fixed assets, the technology development and the institutional improvement , based on the open system theory. Finally, the essay will give a conclusion of the overall analysis. The open system theory Daniel Katz and Robert L. Kahn (1978) proposed a theory structure of open-systems theory including: inputs, transformation, outputs and recycling. Inputs contain capital, raw materials, and employees. Also, some intangible influences, such as personal rewards, satisfaction, recognition, or status. Products or services are created through the transformation process using employee, raw materials by facilities such as machine and computer. These products or services are delivered to customers. Through the recycling, the profit obtained becomes the input again to buy raw materials or pay employees. There are also some subsystems which is critical to the development of organization. Understand the organization is an open system other than a closed system can be a great help for any organization to develop through change the external environment such as improvement of the education level, technology, facilities or structure systems. Key factors for the economic development in China and India Rarick, A. C., Nickerson, I. and Olan, M. (2007, pp. 19-22) thought that the emergence of economic in China and India is because the low labor cost, however, there are some key factors spelling the economic booming of China and India. Over the past decade, China and Indias economy has undergone tremendous change, which is mainly determined by enhancement of input and transformation of an open system such as the growth of human capital (labor), basic production capacity (noted as the amount of fixed asset investment) as well as technical and institutional factors. 1. The reduction of the population. Personnel are the most important input of the open system. Wealth of population resources ensures the economic growth of China and Indias huge demand for labor. However, over-population also will burden the economic and social development. To ensure the economic development of China, early in 1978, family planning was taken as a basic national policy of China. Over the past decade, Chinas economic growth has been enjoying the dividends of the population, but population growth continues to decline (Zhang, 2008). India has the same concerns in the treatment of population problem, the family planning made population growth rate of India downward. 2. The increased investment in fixed assets. Transformation in the open system plays transfer input to output, through all kinds of tools and equipment. Hence, the fixed assets as the tools and equipment should be placed on a lot emphasis to ensure the normal operation of an organization. Understating this point, China and India increased the investments in fixed asset. Fixed asset investment is the primary means of reproduction of social fixed assets. Through the construction and purchase of fixed assets, the national economy continue to adopt advanced technology and equipment, establish new departments, and further adjust the regional distribution of economic structure and productivity to enhance the economic strength (Chen, 2009). Investment in fixed assets reflects the production capacity progress of a country in large extent, so the investment changes in fixed assets can reflect in the relationship of productivity and economic growth. Over the past decade, total investment in fi xed assets in China were 10% increase per year to maintain the state of positive growth, and GDP also showed a positive correlation, about 10% increase per year. Indias economy has maintained a 10% annual growth trend, the changes in total fixed asset investment kept positive growth of about 10% per year. 3. The development of technology. As an important input, technology is a critical factor which decides the competitiveness of an organization. Over the past decade, under the guidance of science and technology are productive forces, by taking the introduction idea of combining absorption and independent research and development, technological innovation capability of Chinas culture and practical results obtained significant improvement. Popularization of Chinas IT technology and products in some aspects and some areas have caught up and even more than developed countries. Technology development strategy transferred from the early introduction of technology to the main goal of the original innovation. Adhering to the ideas of integrated innovation and secondary innovation, many domestic enterprises have taken great progress in innovation, and some companies changed the business model from low-cost, low value-added Made in China to the high prices, high value-added global manufacturing strategy, and achieved good economic results. As can be seen, technical progress provided a great deal of power for Chinas sustained economic growth. For India, each government of India have attached great importance to the technological development, the government has developed a series of policies to promote scientific and technological progress and established comprehensive technology management system. Over the past decade, advances in science and technology achievements in India have attracted worldwide attention. The degree of internationalization of Indias cutting-edge personnel training, software development, international service outsourcing and bio-medicine has improved; the national resources investments focus on in space, nuclear energy and remote sensing. Information technology and biotechnology has become Indias two knowledge-based industries. For example, Indian Central Government formulated a national drug policy, and these drugs policy played an important role in p romoting the Indian pharmaceutical industry. Currently, the Indian pharmaceutical industry accounts for 8% share of global production, and the output value of share is 1.8%. Indias economic development in the past decade shows the development of Indias technology strength has played a significant role in promoting economic growth (Pradhan, 2006). 4. Institutional improvement. Institutions, laws and regulations are proponents in the open system, which possess great impact on the development of an organization. In other words, improving or reforming these items can develop the economic development. In the new century, China put forward the scientific development concept to guide economic development, and took a series of new Institutional innovation around scientific development. Chinas economic system, the changing approach to the ongoing adjustment of the world economy and domestic economic situation, successfully promoted the emancipation and development of productive forces. Chinas economic system reform is one of the fundamental driving forces of economic growth. India launched a liberalization, marketization, globalization and privatization as the characteristics of the new economic policy, that is, relaxing the restrictions on private economic development, accelerating the reform of state-owned economy, changing from a p lanned to market, implementing market economic development model. India has started a comprehensive economic reform, reform involved foreign trade system, industrial policy, and finance fields. The series of institutional change caused by the implementation of this line became the important promoter to advance Indias economy continues to change for the better. Conclusion A good understanding and application of open system can be greatly helpful for the development of economy. Considering the external environment influences and each sector of the open system can markedly affect the whole open system and further exert an impact on the economic development, China and India improved a lot in the input and transformation sectors of an open system. Aside from the labor source, that is, the low cost labor forces mentioned in Rarick, A. C., Nickerson, I. and Olan, M. (2007, pp. 19-22), as supplement of the Raricks research, the key factors that make the astonishing economic development of China and India are analyzed and proposed, containing: the reduction of population, the increased investment in fixed assets, the great development of technology and the institutional improvement and reformation. The abovementioned factors as well as the labor source are all critical to ensure the economic development in China and India, making them on the top list of count ries with most fast economic growth rate.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Science vs Aging Essay -- Research Papers Essays

Science vs Aging Thesis Statement: Health care and science resources should be conservatively allocated to our aging population, focusing on providing quality to the aging years without draining assets in a reckless attempt to extend life. Introduction: The demographic projections in the United Sates are significant. Between 1982 and 2030 the median age will move from 30.6 to 40.8 years and the proportion of the population over 65 will go from 11.6 to 21.1 percent (Committee on the Aging Society, 1985). Persons over 85 are the fastest growing age group, 21 times more numerous than in 1900 (Callahan, 1995). This is also an international issue; by 2040 most developed countries will have 30 percent of their population over 60 (Hanson, 1994). These figures demand our attention on issues of aging. Most elderly need economic assistance and are significantly dependent on lower age groups. In the 1930's most of the elderly lived below the poverty line. Social Security helped reduce this figure to 15.7 percent by 1980. 80 year-olds receive 50% percent of their yearly income from social security (Committee on the Aging Society, 1985). The rest of their income often comes from pension plans or family funds. Elderly populations consume significantly more medical resources than other age groups. In 1984 elderly were 12% of our population, but consumed 31% of medical resources; by 2040 they are expected to consume 45 %. The Federal Government currently spends approximately $200 billion on health care for the elderly, which still only covers 67% of the expenditures. The remaining 33%, or $100 billion, must be covered by elderly and their families (Callahan, 1995). These economic expenditures have social conseq... ...the Aging Society. (1985). Aging America: Health in a Older Society. Washington DC: National Academic Press. 7. Finch, C. E. (1978). The Brain and Aging. In The Biology of Aging (pp.301-309). New York: Plenum Press. 8. Fries, James F. (1986). The Compression of Morbidity. Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly, 61: 3, 347-355. 9. Hanson, Mark J. (1994). How we Treat the Elderly. Hastings Center Report, 24:5, 4-8. PMID: 8002311 10. Harley, Calvin B. (1996). Telomeres. In Encyclopedia of Gerontology (Vol. 2, pp. 539-543). Washington DC: Academic Press. 11. Kirkwood, T. B. (1977). Evolution of Aging. Nature, 270:2, 301-304. 12. May, William F. (1996). Testing the Medical Covenant. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans Publishing. 13. Moody, Henry H. (1994). Four Scenarios for an Aging Population. Hastings Center Report, 24:5, 32-34. PMID: 8002308

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Shakespeares Hamlet - Between Pagan and Christian Essay -- GCSE Engl

Hamlet: Between Pagan and Christian Hamlet explores the borders between madness and sanity. It is also located, like King Lear, in a frontier area between a pagan revenge ethic and Christian compassion, and between a ruthless, power-hungry adult world and a younger generation with gentler and more conciliatory aspirations. Hamlet's father, who now torments him, was himself a sinner, otherwise he would not have to return to earth as a ghost, demanding revenge. Hamlet is well aware of his father's crimes (III.3.81). Inviting his son to avenge his death is tantamount to turning the clock back, thereby perpetuating a pagan code of honour that seems outdated in Hamlet's own time. For - in contrast to Lear - Hamlet is a Christian of sorts, a fact that hampers rather than helps him in his mission. His Christianity is one of several reasons why he hesitates to carry out the ghost's instructions - and why, in the most famous of his seven soliloquies, he refrains from turning his weapon on himself. He worries that the spirit he has seen may be a devil. Obviously Christian in its origin is...

The Battles Before The Battle Between The States :: essays research papers

The Battles Before The Battle Between The States Warning: THE COMMENTARY IN THE FOLLOWING IS THE SOLE PRODUCT OF THE AUTHOR, AND MAY CONTAIN SOME BIAS DUE TO THE BIAS CONTENT OF THE AUTHOR’S SOURCE OF INFORMATION, PLEASE READ WITH CARE. In 1861 the United States declared war on the seceded Confederate States of America. This war is more popularly known as the Civil War or the War Between the States. The war was a conflict that was inevitable because of the progression of dislike between the slave holding states and the free ones. The war had to happen because of the many disagreements that caused tension between the slave holding South and the free states in the North. There are many things that one party did to upset the other. One of the first notable things that started the disagreement between the North and the South was the idea of â€Å"Popular Sovereignty.† â€Å"Popular Sovereignty† was an idea created by Senator Lewis Cass, who said that the Missouri Compromise was out dated and that the citizens of a territory should "regulate their own internal concerns." (p. 459) Many Southern citizens liked the idea of â€Å"Popular Sovereignty,† for the reason that they could move their slaves to "undecided" territories. With this point for the South the North came back with one of their own. The North, battling in the government, decided to join three parties into one to create the Free-Soil party. Those three parties were "rebellious Democrats, Antislavery Whigs, and members of the Antislavery Liberty party." (p. 460) One of the main reasons that the Free-Soil party was created was to give voters a new party to choose from, rather than the two other main parties. In the 1848 election the Free-Soil party upset a small, but significant part of the vote, receiving 10.1 percent of the popular vote. Having one significant issue that the opposition did not care for, the great trio of Clay, Calhoun, and Webster had something up their sleeves. One of the greatest debates of the time, the Great Compromise, brought forth eight resolutions that solved all the issues. The eight resolutions are as follows: 1) Admit California as a free state, 2) organize the remainder of the Southwest with out restriction as to slavery, 3) deny Texas its extreme claim to a Rio Grande boundary up to its source, 4) compensate Texas for this by assuming the Texas debt, 5) uphold slavery in District of Colombia, 6) but abolish the slave trade across its boundaries, 7) adopt a more effective fugitive slave act, 8) and deny congressional authority to interfere with the interstate slave trade. The Battles Before The Battle Between The States :: essays research papers The Battles Before The Battle Between The States Warning: THE COMMENTARY IN THE FOLLOWING IS THE SOLE PRODUCT OF THE AUTHOR, AND MAY CONTAIN SOME BIAS DUE TO THE BIAS CONTENT OF THE AUTHOR’S SOURCE OF INFORMATION, PLEASE READ WITH CARE. In 1861 the United States declared war on the seceded Confederate States of America. This war is more popularly known as the Civil War or the War Between the States. The war was a conflict that was inevitable because of the progression of dislike between the slave holding states and the free ones. The war had to happen because of the many disagreements that caused tension between the slave holding South and the free states in the North. There are many things that one party did to upset the other. One of the first notable things that started the disagreement between the North and the South was the idea of â€Å"Popular Sovereignty.† â€Å"Popular Sovereignty† was an idea created by Senator Lewis Cass, who said that the Missouri Compromise was out dated and that the citizens of a territory should "regulate their own internal concerns." (p. 459) Many Southern citizens liked the idea of â€Å"Popular Sovereignty,† for the reason that they could move their slaves to "undecided" territories. With this point for the South the North came back with one of their own. The North, battling in the government, decided to join three parties into one to create the Free-Soil party. Those three parties were "rebellious Democrats, Antislavery Whigs, and members of the Antislavery Liberty party." (p. 460) One of the main reasons that the Free-Soil party was created was to give voters a new party to choose from, rather than the two other main parties. In the 1848 election the Free-Soil party upset a small, but significant part of the vote, receiving 10.1 percent of the popular vote. Having one significant issue that the opposition did not care for, the great trio of Clay, Calhoun, and Webster had something up their sleeves. One of the greatest debates of the time, the Great Compromise, brought forth eight resolutions that solved all the issues. The eight resolutions are as follows: 1) Admit California as a free state, 2) organize the remainder of the Southwest with out restriction as to slavery, 3) deny Texas its extreme claim to a Rio Grande boundary up to its source, 4) compensate Texas for this by assuming the Texas debt, 5) uphold slavery in District of Colombia, 6) but abolish the slave trade across its boundaries, 7) adopt a more effective fugitive slave act, 8) and deny congressional authority to interfere with the interstate slave trade.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Nature nurture debate Essay

Critically compare how the nature/nurture debate has been addressed by three different researchers or schools of thought in psychology and/or philosophy. At least ones of the researchers/schools must have been active before the 20th century. The nature nurture debate has been a traditional argument for centuries between numerous psychologists. The debate questions whether human abilities are innate or obtained through experience. All through history, psychologists have not been able to come to an agreement with the debate of nature and nurture. Even though all psychologists have not been able to agree on the same views, there are several ypotheses that have been tested. This essay will critically compare the relative importance of the debate through defining the key terms nature and nurture, focussing on three schools in psychology- Behaviourism, Psychoanalysis and Cognitive; discussing their findings involved and using evidence to back up arguments used throughout. Nature is defined as human-beings come into the world as intuitive store of knowledge and understanding of reality (Smith et al 2003 p. ). In other words the Nature side of the debate believes that everyone is born with some sort of information. Smith et al (2003 p. ) also defined Nurture as being â€Å"knowledge being acquired through experience and interactions of the world. This suggests that everyone is born as a blank slate and learn everything through the environment around us. Structuralism was one of the earliest schools that came about prior to the 20t h century due to the Work of Wilhelm Wundt. It was the first school of thought to be established. The paradigm of structuralism is primarily concerned with the structure of the human psyche, and it does not address historical aspects or change in culture† (Lett 1987, Rubel and Rosman 1996). Wilhelm Wundt was interested in tudying mental experiences. His psychology relied on the natural sciences, and he believed that psychology was all about conscious experience. The method known as introspection was brought into play with Wundt believing that trained observers could illustrate thoughts, feelings and emotions through the use of this procedure. Cited online: (Kendra Cherry 2012). Wundt defined introspection as â€Å"the examination of one’s own mental state† (Schultz D, P & Schultz S, E. 2008 p. ) This suggests that introspection can be seen as a self examination. In his work of introspection he wanted to identify aspects to do with mental experience. To support this Nevid, J. S (2009 p. 7) proposed that â€Å"Wundt used introspection as a method of elaborating the basic structures of mental experience in the structure of feelings, perceptions and sensations. † What’s more, Edward B. Titchener (1867-1927) who became a disciple of Wilhelm Wundt. Titchener collaborated with Wundt on the method known as introspection and the pair decided together to attempt the construction of Ones mind, in terms of breaking down mental experiences into their component parts (Nevid, J. S 2009). As regards to the nature- nurture debate, some theorists may see Structuralism being slightly more on the nurture side, since Wundt’s explains the experiences within a person. However, Structuralism mainly falls towards the nature side of the debate which he talks about internal reasons, that Wundt proposes the experience of a person and those experiences are caused by the environment. nconscious drives. Initially, psychology should be scientific and should always be able to measure the things you’re studying. Also, introspection could be seen as lacking in reliability and the construction of and individual’s brain can be seen as too subjective (Moore 2011). Therefore, the work by Wundt and his disciple Titchener would not be seen v alid. Another school of thought is Behaviourism. It was introduced in the early 20th century by John B. Watson and was the primary paradigm in psychology around this time. Behaviourism is mostly concerned with observable behaviour as opposed to internal events like thinking† (McLeod, S. A. 2007). â€Å"The emphasis was placed upon identifying the external factors and produce changes in behaviour, learning or conditioning using a ‘stimulus response’ model† (Malim ; Birch 1998 cited in Ingleby et al 2010). John B. Watson (1978-1958) gnored Structuralism views, when he considered that the only area under discussion that psychologists ought to consider was that of behaviour, and he rejected the consciousness theory. ). Watson did not believe in introspection being any part of his school of thoughts. He believed that behaviourism would eliminate all initiatives that Structuralism invented. Supporting this Dewey, R (2007) proposes that â€Å"Watson implied the behaviourists would completely remove introspection from psychology. † Watson strong interest into classical conditioning and controlling the emotions of human behaviour lead to his study of ‘little Albert’ experiment. Previously, in the 1890s Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov was interested in classical conditioning, and lead to him looking at salivation in dogs when they were being fed. The introduction to PavloVs work on classical conditioning influenced Watson to then prepare his study on little Albert. â€Å"Watson was interested in taking Pavlov’s research further to show that emotional reactions could be classically conditioned in people† (Cherry, K. 2012). The study consisted of Watson and Raynor in 1920, exposing an orphan ‘little Albert’ with a series of stimuli, the famous stimuli of all; a white rat, and then observed little Albert’s reactions to it. Little Albert did not show any sign of fear when the rat was exposed. Watson then showed Albert the rat again but making a loud noise. As expected from a youngster, he began to cry after hearing the noise. Each time after that, Watson showed the child the rat and he began to cry automatically. Therefore showing that Watson had conditioned and emotional response of fear with the child when the loud noise was paired with the rabbit cited in (Nicholas, L. 2008). Consequently, Watson was able to show that emotional responses can be conditioned or learned. He then concluded that phobias were most likely conditioned responses. Watson was similar to Freud, that early childhood experiences influenced the adult personality. Watson differed from Freud in that he had behavioural evidence that learned responses in childhood transferred across stimuli and environments† as cited in (Watson et al. 1920). Watson was a proponent of the nurture debate and believed that all individuals’ differences were down to the result of learning. Another psychologist that engages into the nurture debate is Bandura (1961) who conducted a study to investigate if social behaviors can be obtained by imitation. The results supported his Social learning theory. McLeod, S. A. 2011) put forward the results from Bandura’s study as â€Å"Children learn social behavior such as aggression through the process of observation learning – through watching the behavior of another century. This is the school that stresses the importance of the unconscious mind. Psychoanalysis is made up of infantile experiences and for many alongside biological instincts or drives, particularly sexual ones Cones 2001). Therefore thi s takes both nature and nurture perspectives into account. Freud is one of the most endowed and the most complex, figures in the history of psychology Cited in (Glassman & Hadad 009). Freud’s theory can be used to question the behaviourist approach, due to their view that the environment influences and individual’s notion and behaviour. However Freud believes that the human thought and behaviour is more complex than this. â€Å"Freud proposes that the mind is a combination of all conscious and unconscious thoughts† (Malim and birch 1998:9, Cited in Ingleby et al 2010). Freud proposed a three part structure to personality; ‘d, ego and the superego. These three components all have their own individual principles. They are mental processes or systems and not actual physical structures (Griggs 2009). The ld consists of being the source of all basic drives. The ego is the part of the personality that mediates between the ld and the Superego. It is the most pragmatic part of the personality and it finds gratification for instinctual drives within the constraints of norms and society (Griggs 2009). The superego opposes the demands of the ‘d, and is known as the conscience of ones mind. It was the last structure to develop. It is known as the ‘morality principle’ as it represents the moral demands of family and society, and opposes the desire for immediate gratification (Glassman & Hadad 2009). Freud also developed a process that the ego used which is known as the defence mechanism. This is the process which the ego used to protect humans for anxiety. Additionally, moving on from the inequity of the three personality structures, Freud emphasised the importance that childhood experiences impact personality, and this is how he lead to his theory of the psychosexual stages. These stages engaged in the different points that children experienced throughout their childhood. Freud stressed the importance of nature playing a major role throughout each of these stages that children went through (Feshbach et al, 1991). Erik Erikson one of the major neo-Freudian theorists, expanded on Freud’s theory. He developed eight psychosocial stages that he believed each individual came across throughout their life (Glassman ; Hadad 2009). Erikson proposed that an individuals life span , matured throughout their life span, whilst Freud considered that out personality is formed at the age of 5 (Miller 1983). In addition to Freud’s work, psychologist Carl Jung who is best known for his theory of the Collective unconscious established a rapport between the conscious and unconscious. Although Jung agreed with Freud ith the existence of the Unconscious, he believed that Freud failed to explain details about the presence of archetypes within human minds† (Smith 2003 p. 464). Overall, Psychoanalysis accounts for both nature and nurture debate, where Freud and Jung were interested in the unconscious mind; relying on the nature, however Freud also put forward the influence of child experience repres enting the nurture debate. Therefore this school of thought indicates a combination of both nature and nurture. To conclude, there are a number ‘Thoughts of schools† that provide evidence for both Nature and Nurture debate.